Street Animal Project Pattaya are using JaiDee App

Street Animal Project Pattayaare using JaiDee App


Charity name:  Street Animal Project Pattaya

Charity representative name:   Falco

Amount Raised:   More than THB 800

What does this mean to your charity?

Giving dogs home or good life on the streets, give food and medicine help them to have a good life and neuter them, which will stop them to breed in Thailand. Their offspring would have had added thousands of unwanted puppies in a country where there is a high surplus of unwanted animals, no laws protecting them. They won't suffer on the street, die slowly in basements or at the hands of sadists.

What communication channels do you use to promote JaiDee App?

Our website, email campaigns, and friends.

What JaiDee App resources have you used to promote it to your supporters?

Flyers and QR codes 

What charity thinks... "JaiDee App is a great opportunity for people to contribute to good causes without spending extra money. It is a most needed extra source of income to us and 100 percent of it goes towards reducing animal suffering." Falco

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