
Spectrum are using JaiDee App


Charity name: Spectrum

Charity representative name:   Ivan

Amount Raised:   More than THB 500

What does Jaidee App mean to your charity?

When JaiDeeApp started with their Betta test they have raised for Natasha THB 17,500. It meant for us that we could continue to provide the necessary care & medical treatment for Natasha. She needs extensive care and some more funds that we can continue to pay for her special needs school and her Occupation Thereapy

What communication channels do you use to promote Jaidee App?


What Jaidee App resources have you used to promote it to your supporters?

Banners, promotions, and QR codes

What the they think...

"Jaidee App is the easiest fundraising tool EVER...it requires little effort, but achieves maximum results."


Education case studies

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